Thursday, December 14, 2017
An Exodus 14:14 Moment
Over the summer, I got a ticket for pulling a U-turn on 125. The officer wouldn't take my get out of jail free card, but told me to go to traffic court.
So I went to traffic court this morning. My defense was going to be that the area where I got the ticket wasn't a Business District so the ticket wasn't valid, but I looked up the definition of Business District and determined that it was. I'd heard that if the police officer didn't show up, the ticket would be dismissed, and that's what I was hoping for; as a backup, if he did show up figured I would try the "oops, I meant to make a left turn but couldn't..." defense.
Go into court and am in the courtroom of this judge who listened politely and compassionately to everyone before finding them guilty. She was taking people who'd signed in after me, and my officer wasn't there, so I thought it was all good. Then this guy shows up and I'm trying to ask him if he's my officer and the judge pops me for talking to a police officer (apparently that's not allowed). But we are the only two in the room who haven't gone before her, and even though he's not as cute as the guy I remembered giving me the ticket, I figure it must be him and begin to prepare myself for the possibility that I might actually be found guilty of this offense.
The judge doesn't see me and instead sees some attorney who wasn't in the room with us, but I guess attorneys get to go to the head of the line. While she's finding him guilty, some guy comes in and says something to the police officer. Then he goes to the judge, gets my id, and tells me to come with him.
Turns out he's the judge in another courtroom, and we go in. Judge asks me if I have an atty (no) or documentation (yes), and if I'm ready to proceed (yes). The officer gives his testimony. Judge asks him how he determined it was a Business District. Officer answers "all of 125 is commercial." Judge DISMISSES THE TICKET, stating "there are very specific guidelines for what constitutes a Business District."
Y'all shoulda seen me shaking getting out of there. Then on 125 I was shouting so hard strangers were turning around to see what was going on.
But: 1) I was removed from the courtroom of the judge who found everyone guilty; 2) I did not have to open my mouth to defend myself; 3) the evidence that I had deemed insufficient is what was used to exonerate me; proving that sometimes, every now and then, 4) the Lord WILL fight our battles, if we just keep still!!!
PS: I don't pull illegal U-turns anymore.