
Monday, August 29, 2022

In Memoriam

 August 31, 2022, will mark the one year anniversary of my little brother's transition from the Church Militant to the Church Triumphant.  I should probably state that I have another little brother through my father, but the one who passed away is the one with whom I shared a womb and upbringing.  And in that upbringing, we cultivated our roles of big sister and little brother.

I've created this memorial reel.  It will get better over the years:  I hope to clean up the pictures and not have so many dupes, maybe make the transitions between songs a bit better.  But words can't express what it's like to lose a younger sibling, so I'm just sharing some pics of him with some music that is significant to me when I think of him.  I've done my best with the attributions, but if tech doesn't like them, you can see the names of the songs.  They are 

Lion's version of "If I would have known;

"If I Would Have Known" by Kyle Hume; and the one and only

"I Shall Wear A Crown" by Yolanda Deberry, and First Church "The City."

I should end this post on a positive note, and I believe he's doing better in Eternity than his last few months on Earth in Chronos Time.  I still can't process the fact that I was at his funeral and not the other way around.

Oh, well.  In one of these years, I'll make a happier reel celebrating him.  This is where I am right now.

Be Blessed, Saints!  Be Blessed!!!

Saturday, May 14, 2022

My thoughts on "TAKE ME OUT"

Today I was privileged to attend the Richard Greenberg play “Take Me Out.”  Other than the Radio City Christmas Show (which isn’t Broadway proper), I don’t usually do Broadway unless the ticket is comped, I’m treated,  or it’s something I’ve really wanted to see.  In 40 years living in NYC, I may have paid to see Avenue Q; Starlight Express; Fela; maybe the 2nd time I saw Lion King, and that’s about it. My tastes and pocketbook generally tend towards Off or Off-Off-Broadway rather than Broadway proper.

 ANYway, I was privileged to attend "Take Me Out." The primary reason I went was the leaked nude photos of Jesse Williams, but it was a delightful experience and I’m so glad I went. Phones had to be turned off and put into locked pouches, so I wrote my observations.  Here they are, in the order in which they popped into my head:


  1.  My seat was on the 6th row, and it was a small theatre.  The people in the first row could reach out and touch the stage; my 6th row seat felt like it was about a car length away from the stage.
  2.   From before they let us in, through lights down, I was locking eyes and smiling with every black female I saw.  Also noted the number of older white people (normal theater crowd; I wonder if the leaks impacted their attendance at all) and the number of single males of all demographics in attendance.
  3.  They made a big deal out of it, but I was not impressed with the security measures to keep you from taking pictures.  They did partner with this group called Yondr to lock up your phones, and they said there was a camera facing the audience to detect people trying to take pictures, but anybody who’s reasonably technical and who doesn’t mind sexually violating the cast members (no pun intended) could do it.  PLUS, even though they said they would not accept phone tix, that you HAD to print them, folks showed up with tix on their phones, so they scanned them and then made them turn the phones off and lock them up.  They also said no large bags, but one woman had just come to the theater directly from the airport and she had a carryon rolling bag.  They went through it, but they let her in.  Again, I think it’s sexual exploitation to film naked people without their consent, EVEN IF they’re naked on a Broadway stage, but if someone were intent on doing it, it didn’t seem to me that it would have been that hard.
  4.  SMH.  The theatre is down the block from Virgil’s and the parking garage is across the street from a BonChon.  I was supposed to have gone to Orchard Street to check this black-owned vegan ice cream joint, but that’s gonna have to wait another day.  Thought I’d check out Virgil’s because Dinosaur has kinda turned me off with their high prices and small portions (plus Stephen doesn’t work there any more); Virgil’s was just as bad.  Stuff is high.
  5.  While in the theater, I thought it was kind of nice not having the phone.  I had to force myself to write which is slower than texting, but preferable to making a FB post for every random thought I have.
  6. Speaking of random thoughts:  if you weigh over 300 or so, and you have a seat that’s NOT on the aisle, maybe try coming to the venue early so a whole row of people doesn’t have to move.  OTOH, even though I wasn’t on the row with the large late people, because I know I like to book aisle seats, I should maybe wait til I see a lot of folk seated before I sit down.  The cool thing about going to events solo is when I do it at the last minute and find two seats on the aisle, if I take the aisle seat, there’s often a good chance the other one will remain empty! I thought that until 2:08 today…
  7.  Before I went to the theater, I made a post where I worried that maybe Jesse Williams would have been distressed by all the publicity and there would have been an understudy for today’s show.  Y’all, my stomach literally flipped when I sat down, opened my Playbill, and there was an insert saying the role of DAVEY BATTLE would be played by Ryan Broussard.  I had to actually read through the Playbill til I found the credits and saw that Jesse Williams was playing a character by the name of Darren Lemming (Broussard was also the understudy for Darren Lemming).  The takeaway for me is that I have to stop with those negative projections.  At this point, it was about 1:56, 1:57, and all seats in my row were filled except the one beside me and at the other end of the row where there was also a single woman on the end and an empty seat beside her.
  8. Writing before the play started, I noted that I probably was not close enough to get hit with the water from the shower scenes, but wold probably be able to smell the soap (and sure enough, when the players were putting on lotion and/or liniment, I could smell it!  Or at least, I thought I could…)  At this point it was exactly 2:00, and though I had not seen the lights blink yet, thought I would put my writing away.
  9. At 2:03, the seat beside me was taken.  Another black female.  Very pleasant, though we both had a purpose and it wasn’t chatting up strangers.
  10.  Intermission was at exactly 3 pm.   I don’t know if it was the excitement, the sprinklings of full-frontal nudity here and there, or the locked electronics, but I found myself much more engaged in this show than in most Broadway plays. 
  11. The second act began with a half dozen nude men on stage in a shower scene.  They were white, Latinx, Asian, and ... no disrespect to his white side, but I’m comfortable calling Jesse Williams a black man.  I heard a clip where Charlemagne tha god stated that Jesse’s appendage had to be a prosthesis.  I ain’t no expert, but I inspected as much as I could, since I saw a lot more than I had expected to see – just about ALL these fellas were blessed, so I found myself looking to see if prostheses were used.  It’s technically possible, I guess, but they all looked natural to me.  By the time of this scene, though, you were actually as interested in the character development as in their anatomy.
  12. This was probably more fun than going to the gym or being at the pool.  Jesse Williams’ body is as impressive as his eyes, but his acting talent overshadows it all.  There are scenes in which the only thing you see is a tear or ten rolling down his face.  And I have never watched “Modern Family,” but if I can see more of Jesse Tyler Ferguson, then I will do that.  He was A-MAY-ZING!!!
  13. Finally, if you like baseball, sports, NYC culture, NYC Sports culture, all in an LGBTQI-celebrating environment, then you’ll enjoy this play.  And if you enjoy well-developed human bodies (all male in this case), you will also enjoy this play.  I came home and immediately started searching 2nd Stage.  Had I been able to find an available front row seat  on a date when I’m in town, I would gladly have purchased it.  Unfortunately, the theater is quickly selling out:  there are only a handful of Orchestra level seats left for the whole season (ends on 6.11); on one day I saw half of the mezzanine level was empty, but there are precious few orchestra seats left, and none closer than where I sat today, which was Row F.  It was a delightful experience, I’m glad I went, and I am not above being a groupie and going to stand outside the rear exit doors for one showing.  Probably won’t, but it’s a thought…
  14. Haven’t said anything about the content of the play.  It’s a coming out story:  Jesse Williams is this star athlete, a biracial guy who’s never known want and whose embrace of the privilege bestowed upon him always lives somewhere between simple facts and self-serving vanity.  But such a strong character is necessary, since the play essentially chronicles the reactions of everyone around him; the resulting messy drama is the play.  As we get through that messy drama, though, we do it with wit and wisdom and incredible views into the world of professional athletes as well as members of the LGBTQ family.  With or without nudity, if I had a chance to sit in the first 5 rows, I would see it again in a heartbeat!!!

Thursday, October 28, 2021

A Day with Google Support

 In general, I liked Google. After today's interaction, I'm not so sure. I screenshotted the conversation as it became more and more frustratingly bizarre. 

I was going to make the racist comment that when I dial the 646 number I get people who understand more than when I dial the worldwide toll free number, but you don't dial in to chat support.  

In their defense, though, I'm going to say that maybe the support people in this thread do not speak English as a second language, but maybe as a third or fourth language.  That still would not account for their sending me all around the Googlesphere,  though....

On hold with them again, as $99.00 is $99.00.  I'm publishing the blog and sending them the link.  Still no confidence in them, though....

Google Support

You’re connected with agent Hermi.

12:59 PM


Welcome to Google Support. My name is Hermi. How are you today?

Hermi · 12:59 PM

Hi, Hemi -- I'm fine. How are you?

1:00 PM


I am glad to know, you are doing fine, Cassandra.

I am doing good too, thanks for asking.

In case you need to refer to this chat interaction in the future, please take note of the following ID 2-REDACTED.

Hermi · 1:01 PM

contactng you today because of this issue:
was running out of storage space on my nonprofit account. Called on 
10.25 and spoke with Irvin, who assisted me on adding storage. Unfortunately, it was added to the wrong account. We found that out today and Arvin assistged me in adding storage to the correct account. But I had to cancel the storage on the incorrect account (the admin account). And I am contacting you today requesting a refund. Will provide payment and invoice details in just a minute.

Subscription Payment Sent
October 25, 2021 at 8:30:11 AM PDTTransaction ID: THERE IS A TX ID IN ORIGN
Payment Status: COMPLETED
Gross amount
-$99.99 USD


1:03 PM


I see that you are concerned about the Storage subscription.

Hermi · 1:03 PM

um, yes. I just wrote the details in the chat message above. Would you like for me to copy them again for you?

1:03 PM


May I know if you are referring to Google One subscription?

Hermi · 1:03 PM

No. Not Google one. Adding drive storage to a google for nonprofits account. contactng you today because of this issue:
was running out of storage space on my nonprofit account. Called on 
10.25 and spoke with Irvin, who assisted me on adding storage. Unfortunately, it was added to the wrong account. We found that out today and Arvin assistged me in adding storage to the correct account. But I had to cancel the storage on the incorrect account (the admin account). And I am contacting you today requesting a refund. Will provide payment and invoice details in just a minute.
Subscription Payment Sent
October 25, 2021 at 8:30:11 AM PDTTransaction ID: REDACTED
Payment Status: COMPLETED
Gross amount
-$99.99 USD

1:04 PM


Can you please help me with the transaction ID?

Hermi · 1:05 PM

Sure. This is the third time i am sending it to you, but: Transaction ID: (REDACTED)

'Subscription Payment Sent
October 25, 2021 at 8:30:11 AM PDT
Transaction ID: REDACTED
Payment Status: COMPLETED
Gross amount
-$99.99 USD

1:05 PM


Let me check if the drive team is available to assist you.

Hermi · 1:06 PM

The drive team sent me to you!!!

1:06 PM


Just to set your expectations, you have reached the chat support of Google Pay related issues only.

Hermi · 1:07 PM

So who do I go to to get a refund of something paid through Google Pay?

1:07 PM


I am positive the drive team should be able to help you.


Hermi · 1:07 PM

So interesting that Google can have me enable Google pay to add storage to the wrong account, but can't help me to correct the issue?

As I said, the drive team just sent me to you. It seems no one wants to be responsible?

1:08 PM


I am sorry, but my scope of support is limited and we support only Google Pay payments which includes, tap and pay payments and sending and receiving funds.

Hermi · 1:09 PM

Understood. What would be helpful then, instead of a litany of what you can't do, would be for you to go ahead and give me the drive team contact info. Is that possible?

1:10 PM


Let me check and send you to them directly.

Please give me 3-5 minutes here.

Hermi · 1:11 PM

many thanks, Hemi.

sure. No problem.

1:11 PM


Thank you.

Hermi · 1:11 PM

You’re connected with agent Melody.

1:14 PM

Hermi left the chat.

1:14 PM


Hello Cassandra.

Please give me a minute to read the previous conversation.

Melody · 1:15 PM

Hi, Melody --
Hope this finds you well. Apologies if I seem a bit terse, but I've been dealing with Google for over an hour now and am a bit tired.
I was going to copy it in for you, but thanks!!

1:16 PM


I understand. I apologize if this will take much of your time. But please allow me to read your conversation before your were transferred to me.

Melody · 1:17 PM

No worries! You're fine!

1:17 PM


Thanks for waiting.

I read that you are requesting for a refund with your non-profit account.

Is that correct?

Melody · 1:20 PM

yes, because I added drive storage.
Google (Irvin) helped me, but the storage got added to the admin account instead of my user account
So I am asking for that $99.00 to be credited (I bought it again for the correct account this morning, because the guy couldn't transfer it to a new user)

1:22 PM


Are we referring to this email address c********* ?

Melody · 1:22 PM

No, Ma'am. This is for c****y@***.org, my nonprofit user account (I also have a gmail admin account in the domain)
The guy who helped me SHOWED me that we were adding it to the user account; we think that because I have so many Google accounts, maybe Google got confused? The same way I came here for c****y@**** and Google kicked you to 
c********y@gmail, we thnk Google got confused.

1:23 PM


Thank you for your clarification. Currently it shows that you are contacting with the account c********* which has an active Google One subscription.

We do not have access to view other accounts aside to the one you used to contact us.

Melody · 1:27 PM

No, Ma'am. I have been going around in circles with Google and it's so frustrating. Not sure how you got to c*********y@gmail, as we have been using cgperry@163council ALL MORNING. This is another exmple of Google making changes, not the user.
So how do you suggest I go about resolving this issue?

1:28 PM


Since the issue is with the nonprofit account, you need to our

You need to contact our Google Workspace Support that handles non profit accounts using the account concerned.

Are you contacting us using a computers browser or phone?

Melody · 1:30 PM

SMH. I will, but I started with Google Workspace support, who pawned me off on someone else who told me they couldn't help me but GUARANTEED me that you could and now you say you can't and are sending me back to the people I started with. Can you please send me the transcript of this correspondence? I am using a browser.

1:30 PM


Okay, since you are an active Google One member, let me connect you to Google One Support if they have option to connect you with the NOn-profit accounts. Please give me few minutes to connect you with them.

Melody · 1:33 PM

appreciate your help, Melody

1:33 PM


Welcome. Kindly wait for a while.

Melody · 1:34 PM

You’re connected with agent Sophie.

1:35 PM

will do. FTR, I started this process telling the guy I had a 12:00 appointment. We ended at 12:30, I took 20 minutes to meet my appointment, and have been talking to Google support ever since. And now, two hours later, Google support is sending me back around in a circle to where I first started. It's more than a little frustrating.

1:35 PM

Melody left the chat.

1:36 PM


Thank you for contacting Google Support, my name is Sophie.

In case you need to refer to this chat interaction in the future, please take note of this case ID:REDACTED. Am I speaking with Cassandra?

Sophie · 1:37 PM

Hi, Sophie. yes, I am Cassandra.
How are you today? I'm totally frustrated as Google has been sending me around in circles for the last TWO HOURS.
I am seeking a refund for a purchase to a NONPROFIT Google Workspace account.
Are you the correct person to help?

1:38 PM


Hi Cassandra, I do apologize for the inconvenience. I understand you want to have refunds for the Google Workspace account.

May I know if you remember setting up an account for that?

Sophie · 1:40 PM

what do you mean? We have a whole company with Google Workspace accounts.

1:40 PM


Oh I see, thank you for that information.

May I ask if you have an Admin or your the Administrator of the Domain?

Sophie · 1:41 PM

I am the admin and also use gmailadmin as the admin account. One of the issues is that the first time I added storage, it got added to the gmailadmin account, even though the guy who helped me VERIFIED that it was added to my user account, c*****y@1********

1:42 PM


Also, may I know what is the email we are going to work on for me to check?

Sophie · 1:42 PM


1:42 PM


Oh I see, thanks for that information.

Let me check my resources for that. Can you please give me 2-3 minutes please?

Sophie · 1:43 PM

absolutely. Thank you.

1:43 PM


Thank you, please stay connected.

Thanks for patiently waiting, Cassandra. May I ask if you are the admin of the account as well?

Oh sorry about that, I understand that you are the Admin.

Sophie · 1:46 PM


1:47 PM


Since you are the Administrator of the Google Workspace account, I will highly suggest to contact them directly since my resources is very limited for Google One.

Let me get their details for you.

Please use this link to get in touch with Google Workspace directly.

Sophie · 1:49 PM

OK, but TEN MINUTES AGO, I started this conversation by saying: Hi, Sophie. yes, I am Cassandra.
How are you today? I'm totally frustrated as Google has been sending me around in circles for the last TWO HOURS.
I am seeking a refund for a purchase to a NONPROFIT Google Workspace account.
Are you the correct person to help?

1:49 PM


I understand, Cassandra. I do apologize for the inconvenience. But since as per verifying that this is a Google Workspace account, they are the best support team to help.

I understand the time you took to resolve this concern, I do apologize for that.

Sophie · 1:50 PM

I understand that, Sophie. I just don't understand why you couldn't have told me that when I asked you ten minutes ago, that's all. It makes the user feel that you are not listening or not understanding, and that simply erodes confidence. It's not just you -- the entire team has been this way. I appreciate your help, and I apologize in advance because I'm copying this entire thread and making it public.
best regards,

1:51 PM


I do apologize for that, Cassandra. I just want to make sure for the resolution I want to give you.

Is there anything else I can help you for today?

Sophie · 1:53 PM

ANd i appreciate your efforts, Sophie. Thank you.
I'm good for now.


1:53 PM


Again I do apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.

It was a pleasure chatting with you, Cassandra. Again, this is Sophie. Thank you for contacting Google. Bye for now and take care!

Sophie left the chat.

1:56 PM

Thank you for contacting Google One chat support. Your chat session is now complete.

 After some time on the phone with a guy, I  had this exchange:

Google support

Dwayne has joined the chat.

9:28 PM


Welcome to Google Support. My name is Dwayne. How are you today?

Dwayne 9:28 PM

I'm incredibly frustrated, Dwayne. DId you receive all that information I typed inm or must I try to tupe it in again?

9:29 PM


Hey, Cassandra! Yes, I see the whole description you have sent to us, and I am sorry for the inconvenience.

In case you need to refer to this chat interaction in the future, please take note of the following ID: 8redacted.

Dwayne 9:30 PM

Thank you. Do you see the issue?

9:30 PM


I understand that you would like to get the additional storage worth 99.99 USD canceled, and get a refund.

Is my interpretation correct?

Dwayne 9:31 PM

yes, but there has been confusion between the USER account, c****y and the ADMIN account, g******in.
I want it removed from the g******in account.

9:32 PM


I totally get your point here.

For this concern, I need to get you connected to my colleague who is more knowledgeable with this and will provide you with the support and assistance you need which also saves your valuable time.

Dwayne · 9:32 PM


Специалист Justin присоединился к чату.

9:33 PM

Пользователь Dwayne покинул чат.

9:33 PM

I am so happy somone understands the issue!

9:33 PM


Thank you for contacting Google Support, this is Justin. In case you need to refer to this chat interaction also in the future, please take note of the following ID: REDACTED.

Am I speaking with Cassandra?

Justin · 9:33 PM

Thanks, Justin. I am Cassandra, and I am the Admin on the domain.

9:33 PM


Hi Cassandra will we be working on this email address, c*****ry@1*****

Justin · 9:35 PM

Actually, no. Extra storage was finally successfully added to c*****y, the USER account. Unfortunagely, the first time we added it, it somehow got applied to the ADMIN account, g******in. THAT is the one, G******IN that we want the 1 TB storage removed from and money refunded.

9:36 PM


I totally understand your concern. I’ll do my best to help you. If we can’t find a solution, I will collect feedback for our developers and give you an external resource you might be able to use.

Can I have the email address where you want to cancel the membership please?

Justin · 9:37 PM

I'm not sure we're on the same page here?
I'm speaking of an extra 1TB of storage purchased for g******in @1*****.org. I need to CANCEL that and am requesting a refund.

9:38 PM


I do understand that however the account that is verify was a different account.

And when I tried to enter the other email address there is a pop up message that the account is not associated with Google account.

Justin · 9:40 PM

I'm not sure I understand what you are saying, but I will tell you that I have SEVERAL gmail accounts, and I think part of the problem is that Google switches back and forth.

C****y@1******* -- want to KEEP THE STORAGE.
g******n@1****** -- 1TB storage is applied and I would like it cancelled and refunded. Is it the g*****n or the c****y that says is not part of the domain?

9:41 PM


The email that you provided where you want to cancel and get a refund is not a google account Cassandra.

Justin · 9:41 PM

You may be typing it incorerectly, Justin. I'll screenshot you the emails. Give me just a moment.

IBut if It's not a Google account, then how did Google add storage to it? And how/why did Google take my money if it's not a google account?
but hold on ill give you a screen shot.

9:42 PM


Is this the right email address g*****n@1***** right?

Justin · 9:42 PM

nope. Typo. Put the C after the 3 and before the 0

9:43 PM


Alright! To verify that I'm talking to an authorized person for this account, please go to this website:

Sign in, and then it will ask you, Did you contact Google Support? Choose Yes to verify.

Justin 9:44 PM

omw. Hold on

9:44 PM



Justin 9:44 PM

So it tells me that Everything looks fine

There aren't any requests to verify it's you. If you're waiting for one, try refreshing the page.

and now everything's turned to russian?

9:45 PM


Please make sure that the account that is sign in is this account g******n@1******* Cassandra?

Justin 9:45 PM

duh. My bad. Hold on. But why is everything russian?

9:46 PM


Please try to refresh your browser Canssandra?

Justin 9:46 PM

Google verified your account


Still Russian, though ...

9:47 PM


Thank you for verifying the account Cassandra.

Justin 9:47 PM

Contact us

How can we help you?
Please indicate your problem.
Example: "How do I change the settings?"
Requires 5 Char.

Useful resources
How to contact us

No worries.

9:47 PM


Upon checking here Cassandra there is no Google One plan subscribed using the account.

Justin 9:48 PM

Perhaps because we are using Google Workspace? Am I being punked?

9:48 PM


Upon checking here Cassandra the 1 TB has been canceled last October 25, 2021.

Justin 9:49 PM

It was only purchased on October 25. and canceled today. When will the refund be issued / authorized?

9:50 PM


The refund will take 5-14 business days back the card that you used in purchasing the membership.

Justin 9:51 PM

OK, just so we're clear, what is this membership you refer to? And can you give me a transaction number or something regarding that refund?


It's jsut that every time I talk to someone in Google I get a different answer.

9:52 PM


You can use this case ID Cassandra REDACTED.

Justin · 9:52 PM

OK, Justin. And you are sure the refund will be issued?

9:53 PM


Yes Cassandra.

Justin · 9:53 PM

Perfect. As I told Eduardo, insanity is defined as doing the same thing and expecting different results, so I'm not yet hopeful. But we shall see. I appreciate your efforts.
Will my screen go back to English when we end this chat?

9:54 PM


Yes Cassandra.

Is there anything else I can help you with today?

Justin · 9:55 PM

No, thank you. I have zero confidence based on the day I've wasted in the Googlesphere, but I genuinely hope you are better than many of your colleagues. We shall see. Thank you for all your assistance.

9:56 PM


It was a pleasure chatting with you today. Google loves customer feedback, so you can also click into a short survey about your overall support experience at the end of this chat. Thanks again for contacting Google One Support Team, this is Justin . Stay safe and well, have a great day!

Пользователь Justin покинул чат.

9:56 PM

Thanks for chatting! Let us know how we did:

Justin · 9:56 PM

Чат завершен.

9:56 PM

Сообщение отправлено

I have zero confidence in Google at this point.  They gave me the survey, but since it was in Russian…  I went in later and clicked on the link here.  It took me to a page in English, so I posted this blog and gave them the link.