
Monday, August 29, 2022

In Memoriam

 August 31, 2022, will mark the one year anniversary of my little brother's transition from the Church Militant to the Church Triumphant.  I should probably state that I have another little brother through my father, but the one who passed away is the one with whom I shared a womb and upbringing.  And in that upbringing, we cultivated our roles of big sister and little brother.

I've created this memorial reel.  It will get better over the years:  I hope to clean up the pictures and not have so many dupes, maybe make the transitions between songs a bit better.  But words can't express what it's like to lose a younger sibling, so I'm just sharing some pics of him with some music that is significant to me when I think of him.  I've done my best with the attributions, but if tech doesn't like them, you can see the names of the songs.  They are 

Lion's version of "If I would have known;

"If I Would Have Known" by Kyle Hume; and the one and only

"I Shall Wear A Crown" by Yolanda Deberry, and First Church "The City."

I should end this post on a positive note, and I believe he's doing better in Eternity than his last few months on Earth in Chronos Time.  I still can't process the fact that I was at his funeral and not the other way around.

Oh, well.  In one of these years, I'll make a happier reel celebrating him.  This is where I am right now.

Be Blessed, Saints!  Be Blessed!!!

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