
Sunday, March 28, 2010

Palm Sunday, 2010

Well, actually, it's early on the morning after Palm Sunday. I'm in bed, but as I'm talking to God, it occurs to me that my life is just so wonderful!!! I wanted to make a decision to move actively into hands-on ministry. I wanted to use my managerial training. I wanted, I wanted, I wanted ... but I trusted God to show me what God wanted, and tried to submit to God's will.

Being the person I am, that was kinda hard to do. Walked into me with my dream job on a silver platter, and my first response is, "this can't be serious. " and then I responded "I can't talk to them; I'm busy." Fortunately, God is so good that they waited, and we met, they liked me and I liked them, and a little while later they offered me a job.

Which I am absolutely LOVING!!! Its the Executive Director of a small nonprofit. There are MANY challenges there, but I've sort of got free reign -- my personal commitment is to keep the board active and engaged (and I'll get into some Board development stuff just as I will staff development stuff).

But I'm happy to be here for just such a time as this. My skills are needed in this place in this time,m and I'm happy and grateful to be here and offer them,. I'm not sure about all the people I work with, and some decisions are going to have to be made. I just pray that God will continue to lead me and guide me to do the things that edify and uplift Him, His people, and His kingdom.

Should probably end this blog now, since it's losing connectivity, and I really need to go to bed. But God is AWESOME!!!! and I'm soooooo Grateful!!!

And I'm teaching in seminary, and I can do some butterfly in the pool. It's not pretty and it's not graceful, but I'm doing some butterfly without fins. Never thought I'd be able to do that! -- life's good.

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