
Saturday, October 30, 2010

Things I don't understand...

There are some things that, IMHO, defy logic. I don't understand how you can go to a fast food restaurant with six people behind the counter, six customers in front of the counter, and still have to wait for 10 minutes to place an order.

I don't understand the erosion of morality in America. Don't get me wrong; I'm more liberal than many, though generally quite liberal socially. I don't care who's doing who. I just don't want to have to subsidize it. I don't understand how we have can continue to wage wars all over the globe, have generations of people on public assistance at home, and act still feign surprise or indignation that our country is in debt. Why can't the people who wage wars be the ones to fight them? And if my tax dollars have to subsidize you and your family, then don't you have some sort of reciprocal obligation to me? Where is the sense of personal responsibility?

Yesterday I saw a woman with two kids. I couldn't help; I asked how old they were. One was 19 months and one was three months. It may be racist and presumptuous of me, but I'm assuming she's on public assistance (she's on the subway, alone with two kids, no ring, a toddler with designer sneakers and a lollipop but no stroller -- don't mean to be presumptuous or judgemental, but she seemed to exhibit the sort of decisionmaking processes characteristic of people who are generationally dependent). Now, I've had to make decisions on whether or not I could afford a kid. How come my tax dollars have to pay the kids of someone who has not been responsible in their decisionmaking processes?

As I write this, I'm thinking "it's not politically correct. Will this go viral and have me branded as some kind of right-wing monster?" I'm thinking that because of the recent uproar over the MarieClaire blogger who wrote about her personal aversion to people of size. What's so wrong with saying you think lots of excess fat on the human form is aesthetically displeasing? I think it's not only aesthetically displeasing, it's also unhealthy. For years and years I struggled with fat and body image issues; in the end, it was health issues that led me to make decisions to do something about my health.

But what, we're not entitled to have an opinion, to have preferences and to state those preferences? Because we may hurt someone's feelings? I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, God knows I don't. I know what it's like to have those body image issues. But I also know what it's like to have health issues because of unhealthy weight. I've worked hard to get my body into better shape and I personally prefer the human form without a lot of excess fat on it. I find the human body, with well-defined musculature, to be aesthetically pleasing, and the addition of lots of adipose tissue to be aesthetically displeasing.

So I'm spozed to not voice my opinions, worry about hurting someone's feelings, and what -- let them die a slow and miserable death? I'm not saying alienate them, but what's so wrong about speaking your mind?

Anyway. I'm off to Egypt and Israel in less than 48 hours. Really excited! Except that, of course, I haven't packed and still have about 30 term papers to grade. That would be daunting enough, but as I read them I'm discovering that my students just aren't getting the concepts we're teaching them. Add that to the challenges with tthe preparation of written materials, and you have the nightmare that is my weekend.

I probably need to get off the computer, get back to grading papers, and then get to bed.

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