
Monday, November 29, 2010

Korea, A New Lens

So I'm at work. My comptroller has called in sick, which is quite an inconvenience since I don't know how to cut checks and will need to before she comes back. This is part and parcel of running a non-profit -- you need to be able to do everything. For a long time, I'd considered the comptroller indispensible because of her financial expertise, but one always needs to plan for worst-case scenarios -- and here one has arrived. Thankfully, I've already kicked Plan B into action, and the agency will continue on.

While grading papers and moaning over the death of English grammar (side note: I'm also noticing more and more seminary students seeming to focus on grades rather than on actually learning the material. This is a sad commentary, IMHO, on the emerging trend in those who would lead churches. It's as if the interest is not in unlocking the Gospel or in learning more about Jesus, but in preaching that which they hold dear in their own hearts, with no examination, verification, or confirmation that it is anything other than their own personal thoughts). Anyway, while I'm going through all this, I'm waiting to hear if the Seminary will still sponsor a trip to Seoul, South Korea, and if there's any possibility I can be part of a delegation that goes there in May to preach and teach and represent the Seminary. Don't know if I'll get chosen since I'm only an Adjunct; I'm kinda thinking the current political unrest between North and South Korea might make the prospect a bit less attractive to people, but if I know my NYTS family, that will just make it MORE attractive.

So. While I have a lovely camera/laptop backpack, I find it's not really comfortable for changing lenses. Thanks to a suggestion from Don Edmands, whom I met on the Egypt trip, I've decided that instead of a 55mm (or maybe it's 55-70, I don't know) and a 70-210, I would like to have a 28-300. I'll give up a little bit in apertures, but the convenience I'll gain from the zoom will outweigh that, for me. I've bid on a couple on ebay, only to lose the bids by just a couple of dollars. I actually let one go that was used and I decided I didn't want, but then slept a new one I did want (it was silver and doesn't match my camera body, but the price was nice). I've contacted the seller to see if they'll re-list, but haven't yet heard back from them. The Tamron version of the lens sells new for as much as my camera did, but I like it and think I'll continue looking for it. I'm surprised that the only Cyber Monday sales I see on it are a $50.00 rebate that's been in effect for several months.

So that's where I am. My office is absolutely freezing (not sure why, since it was blasting hot on Wednesday), and I'm sitting here with a thick scarf wrapped around my head because I'm so cold. My life here, it seems, is all about money and budgets, so I should go get started.

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