
Friday, January 13, 2012

Today was such a wonderful day!

It started very early, with a 7 am meeting.  Thankfully, that didn't last long, and the person with whom I met seemed to be willing to accept my input.  We'll see what the result is.

After a wonderfully transitional week at work, one in which it appears progress is on the horizon, I went to a couple of great meetings today.  One was with a volunteer legal assistance program.  I was able to explain to them some of the issues facing our Council, the fact that we do have a very high-powered atty on our Board, and the facility with which we could probably become clients of their organization.  I have to go back and get some more paperwork, but we talked about three areas of interest to the Council.  So there may be progress on the horizon.  Funders are being very cooperative about providing me with the historical documents I need, both for information and to get a sense of our contractual obligations and the culture in which they were created.

So I left there, went into a 7-11 (in Manhattan!) and redeemed a $300 scratch off.  I actually redeemed about 330 in scratchoffs, but the $300,00 one was the nice one.  It's payday and I don't have to go to the ban for pocket change!

The law firm was near a church.  It was an Episcopal Chuch, and they were about to celebrate the Eucharist.  Since I am comfortable in any of my Father's houses, I came in and joined the other three women and the priest who were there.  Once I found my place in the book of common prayer and could follow the liturgy, I was good.  It was intertesting to note how much of the CME rituals come from the Episcipal chuch -- I always thought they were Methodist, but lots of our Eucharisc prayers are similar to those recited in the  Episcopalian church.  After receiving communion, we could hang around the altar for the laying on of handsl whch I chose to do. 

Then  I left and went upstaiirs to another fellowship meeting.  I AM SO GRATEFUL TO GOD!!!  I coulda been caught out there.  I coulda been dead, coulda been killed before I made up my mind to come back to Christ.  So I'm grateful today.  Grateful that I recognize the obsession and compulsions that would rule my life, grateful that God gives me the serenity to accept thos things I cannot change, the courage to change those things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Left that meeting early and went to a meeting of the City for its Contractors.  They game is changeing, and I don't know if my board and staff are going to make themselves ready.  But if they don't get ready, their programs won't get funded.  I can do so much, but I'm tired of working with people who lack either the skills or the gumption to move forward with new ideas.

So anyway.  I came home early, got a vegan japanese roll and a supergreens with added apple  Drank on that as I came home, speaking to the Korean cleaner and the Egyptian pharmacist.  Very nice. Came in and orderd pho ga from Pan Asian (an asian fusian restaurant) and it is just dancing in my mouth.  The pho ga was good, and I had to lie down and get up soI oculd try some of the General Tso;s chiicken with sticky rice and extra spieces.   Food for the gods!  And not even any guilt when yoiu know you're going to knock the calories out tomorow.

Soinjg to sleep niow.  Can't se this pos;  ohpe it's coming out oi.

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