
Sunday, June 13, 2010

Maciej Czyż's FB Group: Establishment of Israel may have not been fair, but it's too late to change

I saw this group on FB today. I like what the writer says, although I don't agree that it's too late to change. I'm just not sure what the appropriate change is.
But here is the writer's description of the group. This is copied from their FB page. Although I haven't yet joined the group, I post here in hopes of publicizing the author's viewpoint.

"I've browsed through the names of almost 600 facebook groups about Israel (well, the english ones), and decided to create one more. Why? Almost all these groups (Israel wants peace being one of few exceptions) was either definitely pro-israeli or pro-palestinian.

I believe that Palestinian resentment towards Israel is justifiable. They were expulsed, or "only" not let back into their homeland (after they've fled from it during the war of 1948). By people who weren't even born in this land, but decided to establish their state there, in a majorly non-jewish land, because almost 2000 years earlier, their ancestors lived there. That, not some inherent antisemitism, is the real cause of the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians.

But time's passed. Most of citizens of Israel are already born in this land, and one can not blame them for zionism, and they have no other fatherland than the land they were born in. To take this land away from them, to take their - existing and prospering - state away from them to give it to people born in jordan, Lebanon, Syria etc, because their grandfathers lived there, would be wrong, just as it was wrong to do it to Palestinians 60 years ago.
Of course, 60 years is not the same as 1947-70=1877 or so, therefore, obviously, some amendments need to be

So what's the sollution to the problem? Obviously I don't know. But I want to stress the fact that saying Israel shouldn't have been created after ww2 and condemning late XIX / early XX century zionism doesn't necessarily mean denying Israel its right to exist today.
Also, one may support the fight of Palestinians (for the independance in 1967 borders, not for all Palestine) and condemn the means they're using at the same time.

This is the first and only facebook group I've created. I don't know if it shall be successful, perhaps not. But I look forward to any discussion.

Take care, Maciej.

Please, forgive me any linguistic mistakes I've made"

Again, this is not my post, but one from a FB group created by Maciej Czyż at the University of Warsaw.

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