I'm sitting here at my desk, about to be overwhelmed at all the things on my plate, so thought I should just stop everything and talk to you for a minute. You know, God, even in the midst of my complaint, I want You to know how very grateful I am. When I acted like a fool, You kept me. When I strayed from the fold, You kept me. When I got confused and thought I was the author of my destiny, still You kept me. When sickness attacked my body, You kept me. When drugs consumed my being, You kept me. Through no merit of my own, and simply by Your grace and divine pleasure, You've brought me out of some dark days into the bright light of today.
So I'm grateful, and I need to say all that, and look back on all those victories, as I face the challenges ahead of me. Because today I have to care for people who are not in their right minds. Today I have to care for people who are afflicted in their bodies. Today I have to care for people who suffer from crushed spirits. Today, I have to care for people who have believed the lies of the enemy for so long, that they've started to behave like the him. I wish I could say that it's Your influence that governs the way I deal with them, but the truth is that I'm legally bound to treat them in certain ways.
God, I'm ashamed to admit that when I should be running on the Overflow of Your Grace and Mercy, I still am trapped in the box of my human perceptions and reactions. That means that I get upset when people behave, as humans will, in ways that I perceive as stupid, illogical, or unreasonable. Despite all the mercies You've shown to me, I tend to forget them when I deal with other people. I often feel like the guy who was forgiven his debts, and then tried to force his debtors to pay him. Why do I fall short? Why do I take my blessings for granted? And why, God, do I try to behave as if I'm controlling things when I know that everything in my life is under Your Divine Control?
Writing works for me, so I thought if I sat down and wrote for a minute, it might help. It might help me to deal with the woman who's lost her job and is now full of shame, regret, and remorse. Perhaps I can turn a sympathetic ear to her instead of an accusing tongue. Maybe writing will help me to deal with the people who are busy plotting for position. Perhaps I can begin to understand that their motivations may be rooted as much in fear as they are in greed.
God, I believe you've given me a double portion of wisdom, so now I'm asking you for the knowledge, understanding, love, power, and self-control that will allow me to apply it in a fashion that reflects who You are in my life.
Again I thank you, God. I'ma go now -- the folks are calling me. Just because I stop writing, though, I hope you won't stop being beside me, being that Ever Present Help -- not in my times of trouble, but in my everyday life. You've given me all this stuff, and you've given me a mission to help others. Order my steps, Lord. Guide my feet, Lord. Wash my heart, Lord. Bridle my tongue, Lord. Empower me to reflect the You in me.
I'm feeling Your love right now. Thanks.
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