
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Kettlebell class

Oh, my goodness. I love it! I thought I was in pretty good shape: I can do 6+ miles on the elliptical, I can pump weights to rival most normal-sized men, I can do the four basic strokes -- not terribly gracefully, but well enough that I have a goal of being certified as a lifeguard by 40. So I thought I was in pretty good shape until I took a kettlebell class.

The thing about the kettlebell is that its weight is not symmetrical, so when you use it, it forces you to use more of your core. And whenever you're using it, it's in motion, so you have to use many more muscle groups. Add to that the fact that it's like solid lead, and you have increased utiltiy with the kettlebell. Monday night I had a 15-pounder. While I wasn't sore and achey, I could certainly feel it. Today I got there early so I could use the 10-pounder. It makes quite a difference, even though my arthritic knee won't allow me to do the lunges and squats (and burpees) the way I'd like to. Still, it's great cardio conditioning and strength training. I think I have a keeper here!

I'm so tired now, though, that I've forgotten what I was going to write. I leave in a couple of days for Costa Rica! Maybe I'll write more while I'm there....

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