
Wednesday, July 21, 2010


As much as I can be lazy and take the easy way out, I want to think that, as I've grown older, I've learned the truth of the adage "anything worth doing is worth doing well." Personally, there's a certain sense of joy tht comes from giving something your best shot.

Maybe I'm kinda anal, but it bothers me when I go to others for information and I get sloppy or shoddy work. It indicates either a lack of ability or a lack of interest.

Oh, well. Not a lot I can do to change that. Yet. Eventually I hope to create an environment where mediocrity is not encouraged, but that environment doesn't yet exist.

On another note, the Liberty are having their subscriber event on August 11. It's at the South Street Seaport. So I guess that's the date by when I need to make a decision whether I'm signing up for next year. Which I've already decided that yes, I'm doing.

It's late, very long day, calling it a nite.

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