
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Wednesday, July 7

So I'm here in my doctor's office waiting to be seen. Apparently there's only one person ahead of me to see him, which is good, since I have a 6:30 uptown. Doesn't look like I'll make it to the gym today, which is not good. But I had a good workout on Monday, and maintaining one's health is important, as well.

Don't know if I posted here about Farhad Nadim. He was a classmate in Chapel Hill. We'd made contact, then lost contact. He'd called me and when I finally got around to looking him up (because I'd lost his number), I was saddened to find he'd passed away. Couldn't get any more information on it than that.

While Farhad and I were in communication, I also got back in touch with Roger Wooten. Roger and I had known each other since nursery school. He was a very special boy in ways far too personal to put on the internet. I actually paid money to join so I could reconnect with him. When Roger, Farhad and I were all in touch, we also put Farouk, Farhad's big brother, back in touch with Donna, Roger's big sister. Of course, Manhattanite that I am, I lost touch with Roger. Our relationship was such that too much time had gone by -- yeah, I'll flake off for a few months, maybe a year, perhaps more, but I didn't remember the last time I'd talked to Roger. So I went on a crusade to find him. I friended a coupla Roger Wootens on FB, but neither was him. I contacted a bunch of old Chapel Hill friends, but nobody had info on him. I tried his email addresses, but they weren't any good, and then I tried calling and texting his phone.

And that's when his wife texted back. She let me know that Roger passed away on August 16, 2006 (two weeks to the day after my 50th birthday. ) I kinda was prepared for that news given the length of time that had passed since our last communication, but Roger was a year younger than me, so it's -- sad isn't the word -- it's just unsettling to think that my dear friend has departed this life and I won't be able to speak with him or hug him again...

I should probably post this since the doctor may come out at any moment.

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