
Sunday, August 29, 2010

I am determined to see thngs differently

Today's exercise is very cool. It's about intentionally changing our perspective. It's unfortunate I didn't attempt this earlier, and I may end up carrying it over til tomorrow (though I have to be careful not to procrastinate too much. I'm noticing that as the work challenges my old ways of thinking and perceiving more and more, that I "forget" to do my readings and make my postings more and more. hm....) So today's exercise has me focusing on the things that anger or annoy me (and they are many), and repeating that " I am determined to see (whatever the thing is) differently." It even gets more specific, in that “I am determined to see _____ [specify the situation] differently.” and even I am determined to see _____ [specify the attribute] in _____ [name of person] differently.”

As another program I know tells me, the only thing I can really change are MY attitudes and MY behaviors, so let me get to work on changing MY attitudes about things, remembering that what I think I see is not reality, but only my perception of reality. If I am determined to see people or things or attributes of people differently, then what I'm really determined to do is to change my attitudes and my behaviors (reactions, which I take as perceptions) towards those people or things or attributes.

And though the Course doesn't tell me this, I believe that as I have the desire to make the adjustments, the Holy Spirit will give me the strength and the means. "Create in me a clean heart, and renew a right spirit within me" is what comes to mind. I want to get better, and while I can have the willingness and the determination, the ability to perceive differently, the ability to tap into that source of Divine Vision, is a gift that will be bestowed on me from above.

I am determined to see the Liberty's loss differently.

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