OK, so I'm a little confused again. I get the whole illusory perception thing, that we do not perceive Reality, or The Ultimate Truth; we preceive only an image or understanding of Reality which we have crafted with our limited and finite capacity for perception. I get that. The next step, then, is to understand that my thoughts are also images which I have made.
I understand that we're moving from a deconstruction of everything I thought I knew -- emptying my cup. And I guess the task now is to understand that my thoughts, which are not representative of reality, and only have the meaning I have attached to them, are images I have made.
The Bible tells us that the power of life and death lies in the tongue. The Bible also tells us that we: "demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ" (2 Cor, 10:5). I think this is part of that process. During my 50+ years of life, I have had all kinds of thoughts. Those are MY thoughts, coming from MY mind, and while I have always considered them completely valid, and as much as I like to think I have all the answers, what I have to understand is that my thoughts may not have anything to do with God's reality.
When I'm angry, when I'm sad, when I'm having all kinds of feelings -- they are my feelings, but they may not reflect the Ultimate Reality. They reflect MY reality, but my reality, my thoughts, are images I have made. I think that's how two people can look at the same thing and come away with different perceptions of it - our perceptions are just that: our perceptions, our images that we have made to reflect Reality. But they are not Reality; they just represent It to us.
I kinda grasp this, but may need some more time with it....
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