While I don't understand this intellectually, I can kinda get with it. If what we're seeing is all the creation of our thoughts and is unreal, how is it that we're all seeing the same "unreality?" It's the sameness that's bugging me. I guess it's like a grand illusion -- if a whole roomful of people sees a magician cut a woman in half and they all gasp, it doesn't mean the woman is actually in two pieces -- it means that everyone in the the room thought she was cut into two pieces. They collectively experienced the illusion and collectively experienced the effects of the illusion. This is still more work on HOW we see things.
On a different note, it's been too long since I posted anything other than ACIM stuff here. Last night I had the weirdest dream: I dreamed that some pro ball player (she was female, but had a moustache) was having issues using a touchscreen ATM. She got up to the part where they needed a PIN, and I don't know what happened, but I ended up helping her with the PIN, and she asked me out. I think I woke up then.
And no, it wasn't anyone on the Liberty. Tomorrow night I'm going to the Garden to watch them in the playoffs! To incorporate the Course, I guess I should say that my thoughts about the Liberty are not neutral or unimportant. There are a lot of people in NY whose minds are joined regarding the NY Liberty. We shall see what our shared perception gives rise to!
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