
Monday, August 9, 2010

I do not understand anything I see

This is an exercise designed to help us see things with a fresh eye, and to understand how little we know about the things we see. For someone with as many judgemental tendencies as me, this is an important exercise. It helps me to see that I don't know all the thngs I think I know; I don't know nearly as much as I think I know.

You know how it is. You look at someone and make a judgement. They're too fat, too thin, too short too tall, too loud, too softspoken, too drunk, too uptight -- it doesn't matter what the judgement is. What matters is that we are all a form of the character "The Judgemental Bastard;" we all see things, think we understand, and make snap decisions (sometimes taking action) bsaed on what we think we know.

If we develop the habit or ealizing how much we don't know (sort of like the intellecuatl equivalent of picking up our cross daily, but by laying down our ego instead of picking up our cross) -- if we develop the habit of realizing how much we don't know, perhaps we can open ourselves up to learn somehing.

More will be revealed.....

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